Sunday, March 2, 2014

Why I Started This Blog

My testimonies are plentiful. I'm favored. I'm grateful. And God's doing too much and saying too much for a mere Facebook status.

When He does it, I share it.

When He speaks to me, I speak it out.

A blog will allow me to speak on His goodness in its entirety rather than in a bite-sized snippet. *bows head to thank technology*  My hope is that readers will be encouraged by what I share...encouraged to CHOOSE righteousness, and encouraged to live a life that pleases God. That's it.

Oh, and maybe one or two of my friends were praying about me starting a blog. Y'all did this! God's been talkin' EXTRA loud lately, stamping out my stubbornness to NOT do a blog because I felt like everyone else was. Y'all know I'm a rebel who goes left when everyone else goes right...the rebel who REFUSES to join the Twitter and Instagram community because it's "trendy". LOL!

Single Women Who Desire to Do Marriage God's Way: I've lived your story. I'm living your story. I am your story. There will be a lot for you here. As He pours into me, I'll pour out to you. We'll be enlightened, encouraged, and challenged together. He's always in my ear for you...

Stay Tuned!

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