I sure hope you enjoyed church today!
And Lord knows I hope you've been receiving from Holy Spirit since you've been on the journey. I pray you'll receive even more this coming week.
So, today, our assignment was to simply go to church.
Here's what was expected of us today:
The Assignment, Part 1
- Go with EXPECTANCY for the Lord to speak to you.
- Listen to what the pastor/teacher says, and take good notes, but go in with prayer, to hear what the Lord is saying behind the message directly to your heart.
- Some of us take notes already and may have a notebook that we use, but this week, please make an exception and take notes in your 14-Day Journal. You will need your notes from church for Part 2 of today's assignment.
If you have a church home already and you really enjoy your church, GREAT! If you don't have a church that you call home, but you have a church you attend sometimes, maybe go there. If you haven't been to church in a while, this is a great time to go back. God wants to speak to you there.
Now, today...
The Assignment, Part 2
Take your notes from today's church service and revisit each of the scriptures that the pastor/teacher gave in the message. Reread them. If you need to read the entire passage where the scripture came from, do that, so you'll have a good understanding of what the scripture is saying in context.
- Pray and ask God to show you specific ways to help you live out what you were taught today.
- In your journal, write what you believe the Lord is saying to your heart for your life from today's message.
- Pray and ask God to show you how to use what you learned today to encourage others. (You may decide to divide today's message into sections so you can spread it out over a few days to have set studies for the week.)
- Share a snippet from today's message on all of your social media outlets. You can package it in one phrase that summarizes the overall message, in bullets, or with a meme or illustrative word picture. Just share it.
This is you spending time with the Word that the Lord spoke to you today, and when you're spending time with His word, you're spending time with Him. Let Him speak to your heart through His word.
Didn't Go to Church?
If for some reason you didn't attend church today, you can watch this message: Hearing the Voice of God. Remember the snippet we watched on our first day together? This video is the full message. Use this message for your assignment today.
I'm praying for you.
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