Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Day 13: A 14-Day Journey to Hearing from God

We've been talking for 12 days about the blessing that's ours as a result of being in relationship with Jesus. We get to hear directly from God by way of the Holy Spirit. We've talked about the different ways we hear from God, and we've even seen some practical ways to tune our ears to His voice, so now, before we talk about the last way to hear from God, let's take time to practice applying what we've learned. The journey was designed for us  to hear His voice, so now let’s  MAKE the time and put ourselves in the position for Him to speak to our hearts. 

The Assignment
  1. Grab your Bible. Date your journal.
  2. Pray and ask God to open your spiritual eyes to see His Word like you've never seen it before. Ask Him to illuminate your understanding. Thank Him for living in you and speaking to you. Thank Him for this time that's dedicated to just you and Him, and thank Him for being completely tuned into you.
  3. Take this time to pray about what's on your heart. Just talk to the Lord like you would talk to your significant other or a friend. Let it all out. 
  4. Then, read Proverbs 10:4, 12:24, 12:27, 18:9, and  6:6-11(use verses 10 and 11 for the 'S' in SOAP).
  5. Follow the SOAP method to interact with God's Word today. This is you TALKING to Him. You're in conversation with Him when you're responding to His Word.
  6. After you've prayed (the 'P' in SOAP), set a timer for 7 minutes, and sit in silence, but keep your mind focused on what you just studied. Keep your journal open. Should anything come to you, write it down. 

I'm praying for you.


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