Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Day 6: A 14-Day Journey to Hearing from God (2023)

A Couple Things...

  • The video may sound like it's beginning abruptly, but it starts right where it should. I promise. I chopped some of the talking off from the beginning.

  • You'll hear me saying "Day 3". Don't let that throw you off. This video is for today--Day 6.

The Assignment
1. As discussed in the video, think about something(s) that concerns you and rests on your heart...something that you know ONLY GOD can touch. (direction about a job, what to do about a relationship, concerns about your purpose, hurt that's rooted deep in your heart, etc.)

2. Google scriptures about that thing(s). (Type in "Scriptures about __________________)

3. In your journal, write down (in full) AT LEAST 4 scriptures that speak to your concern. BONUS: Take it a step further and write these scriptures on index cards (or whatever you have) that you keep with you throughout the day and refer to when you're able. OR write them on cards and put them in key places in your home, like mirrors.

4. As demonstrated in the video, begin praying those scriptures back to God. Replace "you" and other pronouns with YOUR NAME when you pray. Make it personal. This is how you talk to Him about what concerns your heart. Remind Him what His word says because He watches over His word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12).

5. PRAY THESE SCRIPTURES EVERY DAY OF THE JOURNEY in your quiet time with Him. Keep them before Him. Be persistent. They will become fluid on your lips, and before you know it, they'll be written on your heart and your conversation with him about this thing(s) will become natural.

6. EXPECT TO HEAR FROM HIM. You've already gotten His first thing to say about it through His word. Listen for the rest as we progress through the journey.

7. Finally, keep James 4:8 and Matthew 7:7-11 in mind. As you move your heart closer to Him, He will come closer to you. As you ask Him about those concerns, seek Him out for answers and direction, and knock at "His door" for answers, He like any good father, will provide and open that door for you. EXPECT IT!

I'm praying for you.


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