It's not difficult to spot a person who lives a physically disciplined life. Their discipline speaks in the way they look. The same is true for a person who lives a life without physical discipline. Their lack of discipline speaks too. I know I can certainly speak for myself here.
For years, I was dancing regularly at church, and when I say dancing, I don't mean standing up for a 4-minute song waving my hands and twirling around. I mean throwing DOWN with some high impact leaps, kicks, turns and charismatic dance phrases for however long the praise team would sing. My worship garments, all except the very top layer, would be soaking wet! And we didn't just dance one Sunday a month. We danced EVERY Sunday morning and at least once a week at rehearsal. On top of that, I was working out 2-3 times a week at the gym (mostly step aerobics). I lived a pretty active life, so I was in good shape, and I was pleased with the way I looked a felt. Then, out of nowhere, I began experiencing some lower back issues that caused me to have to slow down. Per the chiropractor, I needed to quit step aerobics completely because of the pounding that the stepping up and stepping down was giving my lower back, and I had to slow down and seriously modify the intensity of my worship at church. And I honestly didn't need the chiropractor to tell me that. My body was letting me know that I would have to make some changes in how I got exercise.
In November 2013, the Lord moved me from that church, so not only was I not working out like I used to at the gym, but I would no longer be dancing at church 2 times a week. For a little while, I did modified work outs at home and every now and then at the gym, but it wasn't long before I completely stopped. I sat for months, doing nothing and eating however much of whatever I wanted, and it showed. I looked at myself in the mirror in August 2015, and I knew I had to do something. I wasn't accustomed to being inactive, and I certainly wasn't accustomed to "filling in" my clothes. I didn't feel like myself AT ALL and my confidence was beginning to slip. I was always tired and drained; my energy was low. My performance at work with my students wasn't at its best either, and I was easily frustrated with just about everything they did or didn't do.
One day I saw on Facebook that some of my friends had attended a 2-hour boot camp with Veeta D's Fit Camp. From the pictures that were posted, I could tell they were really working, and I knew that's what I needed. I knew, too, that because I'd been away from consistent work outs for so long, I would need some accountability. I signed up IMMEDIATELY, and from August 2015 to February 2016, I worked out pretty much daily. And I wasn't just taking instruction from Veeta when I worked out. She TAUGHT US how to work out based on our individual needs. She TAUGHT US how to eat and how to measure our caloric intake so we wouldn't be working out in vain. I learned how to take care of me so when I was no longer with her and the Fit Fam, I'd know what to do, and I'm SO MUCH better after my experience there. My motivation was taken to a new level, and I knew that there could never be another time in my life where I didn't work out on a consistent basis. There just couldn't be!
I've seen both sides of the physical discipline coin. I've seen the benefits of disciplining my schedule, my body, and my mind (because physical discipline starts in the mind), and I've seen the consequences that come with not disciplining myself, and I don't ever want to fall on the "no discipline" side of the coin again!
So How Can One's Health Suffer?
I'm annoyed when people think that working out is just for physical appearance. I get asked all the time, "Iantha, why do you even work out? You're small, girl. You don't need to work out." Uuuum...YES! I do! Working out for me is more about being healthy than it is about looking good. I want both, but more than anything, I want to feel good. If my body isn't functioning like it should, what good am I for kingdom use? I can't minister like I should if I'm "sick and shut in."
Obesity (Poor Eating Habits)
You've probably heard that weight loss is 20% working out, and 80% what you eat. If you haven't heard that, just know that it's true! I also read somewhere that you can't outwork a bad diet, and I couldn't agree more. When I first started with Veeta, I wasn't counting calories or "tracking" my meals. I was used to eating what I wanted because I was so active, but when my level of activity changed, I knew I had to make some eating adjustments, and BOY what a difference it made! I literally saw change within a week. And I felt so much better because I wasn't heavy with food.
Obesity is real! When we carry extra weight, it causes all kinds of other health issues (below). If we are going to be disciplined in this area, it's going to mean studying up to know what's good to eat and what's not. Every food that tastes good to us isn't necessarily good for us. Once we know what's good and what isn't, we have to make a conscious decision to prepare and eat foods that help our bodies, and eat less of the ones that hurt us. Some foods we just have to completely rid ourselves of.
I'm no medical professional, but I know that diabetes is a killer. In my own family, diabetes has wiped out a couple people. I can remember one family member being particularly instructed by the doctor to refrain from eating certain foods. Rather than listening to the doctor in this matter of life or death, she indulged in those foods because "she couldn't help herself." And if you read yesterday's blog with indicator #2, Defending My Wrong Actions, you know that "I can't help myself" is a lie! She COULD help herself. She just lacked discipline, and it cost her life.
Self-Esteem / Confidence
No matter who you are or where you come from, one thing will always be true: When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you ARE good. When you don't look good, you don't feel as good. My confidence was not at 100 when I was "filling in" my clothes. I was uncomfortable. I didn't walk with my head as high. I tried to find a way to cover up the "extra" that was there. And even though I didn't "get back" over night, just feeling better from my workouts made a difference in my confidence. (When we're not confident, other areas can be affected too.)
Heart Disease
Another killer. Extra weight and unhealthy foods put strain on our hearts (and other vital organs). Cardiovascular activity, alone, could change the condition of a weak heart, even if the pounds aren't shedding just yet. Power walking for 30 minutes a day could make the difference of a lifetime!
And these are just a few. So many diseases and disorders are related to excess weight and poor eating habits. Is your life worth the discipline it will take for you to get your health in line?
Lastly, what I found is when I'm physically disciplined in one area, I'm physically disciplined in other areas as a result. I remember telling Veeta when I first started in August 2015 that there was NO WAY I was going to do 5 am work outs. When I started with her, I was doing evening classes. I decided one day that I was gonna do a 5 am just to try it out, and I fell in love! The way the energy from that morning workout set the tone for my day was unreal! I would get home from my workout and hit the ground running! I'd prepare a full breakfast (most days) and actually sit down and eat it instead of grabbing something while rushing out the door. While I was eating, I would read a book (if I was reading one at the time) and/or study God's word. After that I would actually make my bed! Ha! (That WAS NOT an everyday thing before those morning work outs.) I would then shower and prepare for work and get there well ahead of time instead of walking in right on time. And my productivity would be through the roof at work!
The benefits of discipline were (and are) BLESS-ING me! There are areas where I have it together, and areas that need my attention, but having examples from what I KNOW works is all I need to get it right.
If your physical, mental and/or emotional health is suffering because you're not giving attention to your body, it's your lack of discipline that has you where you are. When you choose to do something to get yourself on track, you'll see a difference. Trust me.
Life Without Discipline: #4 We Make Financial Mistakes
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